In 2009, the film titled The Fourth Kind introduced us to Dr. Abigail Tyler. What if, both of these aliens and demons/angels are the same. As bizarre as it sounds Ive had several encounters of the 1st kind. And their spirit bodies were taken into the 4th dimension. But I have never heard of or seen image disturbance on recorded video during a hypnotic regression, let alone the abductee to start to levitate. I would hate for something like this to happen to someone who was unarmed in spiritual warfare. religion is written to control the masses..yes there is good and evil El caso de la doctora Abigail Tyler Caso OVNI YouTube from I they dont believe dr. abby tyler why is it that they cant find her daughter? It is also used in the Illuminati and even on an American money you can find a small owl. The only one that wasnt memory wiped. While I dont fully agree with everything thats been said in the past comments I want you and others to hear my testimony and decide for yourself. So are We expendable to some elite st coven of Illuminati rich pig; deal makers with an entity; outside of Our scope of reality? god created the universe he created the aliens too goid and evil exists in all planetsf#! But you when at all Were you born that you can tell if a >6000 yr old book which is still used today is accurate or not. This civilization flourished over 6,000 years ago and is by all accounts the founder of language. Ballistics matched his pistol he used on Police duty after investigating him when he turned himself in. The Fourth Kind is embarrassing. Hmm this story is one of a kind Idk whether its true or not but I think that if it had really happened to someone then put urself in that place what would/could u do .. To sell the story about paranormal activity in Nome, Universal Pictures created fake news articles to support the films narrative. I believe people are and have been abducted by aliens for a long time, but I dont believe all of them. The Dropa Stones Real Alien Artefacts Or Fiction Morphing Into Fact? Some things were weird in the movie Some things werent so weird. Not even their bodies. I dont know if having disorders such as Schizophrenia is linked to demon possession, but I do know in the name of Jesus Christ these disorders can be cured or helped tremendously. UFO And Alien Encounters Of A Festive Kind, The Alien Abduction Process A General Overview. Your comment makes no point, simply saying google bananas, youll see which is basically what you said, DOES NOT MAKE A POINT. The expressions translated from Sumerian are more like demonic phrases. Abductees are paralyzed first and then moved around in a light beam. Her daughter, Ashley, gets abducted, and upon questioning, Dr. Tyler tells police that shes been taken to the sky. Plus I like Milla as well. But all in good heart. I mean the alien part cousl be true but I believe that the mother killed her daughter. If you dont believe in religion why waste your energy dissing those who do? Anyway, there has to be something going on with all these people claiming abduction! Barn owls dont live in Alaska, especially not in tundra ecosystems. but they can not leave the earth. they said she was crazy so the police took her son beaucse she was crazy but i believe her its all true. I was lying on my back waiting when I felt a small amount of weight move onto my feet and then it slowly moved up my body and onto my chest. How do you know what theyve seen? Yes, the end is near, and it will only be a matter of time that I will join my beloved David. you got that from contact, the movie. The film disclosed that Dr.Taylor was not her real name. UFO Insight does not take responsibility for the content of the comments below. Its insensitive to family members of people who have gone missing in Gnome over the years.. They said it was part of a viral marketing campaign. They even went so far as to create a fake site called, which listed a bio for Dr. Abigail Tyler and exhibited several scholarly articles she had supposedly written in medical journals on hypnotherapy, hypnotic regression and sleep problems. know yur history They just change the stories to super-natural entertainment and make them seem believable, like aliens are real. Read the Bible. Dcouvrez les informations pratiques sur la gare Le Mans : accs, services, arrives et dparts en temps rel. Web visits to drudge 1/12/2023 25,152,778 past 24 hours 671,900,576 past 31 days 8,571,129,993 past year. Religion is one of the worst things to happen to this world all it did was slow down our advancement as a civilization . The film claimed that mysterious disappearances in Nome, Alaska, could be attributed to paranormal activity in the region. At least one known and solved missing persons case was solved, a Nome Police cop turned himself in after Sonya Ivanoff (RIP, God Bless) went missing. View plans, sample savings & pricing, patient reviews & practice information. Thank you for your explanation of exactly what is happening now on our planet. First Kind: Sighting - visual sightings of flying saucers, unknown aerial objects, and odd lights. For instance, the experience that Andrew explained that happened to him when he was 7 years old it seems a problem of sleep paralysis. I ve done more self surgery than I have spent time in a so called medical facility. Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. The body, the soul, the spirit of an individual is a trinity within ourselves, meaning it is one, so what effects the body effects the spirit and soul, just as what effects the soul or spirit of an individual effects the body. Tyler later discovers evidence suggesting that she might be a victim of an alien abduction. Thank you for the enlightenment about the film, although I must say Im truly disappointed that it isnt true. For what might be going on in your spirit and/or your soul will place an effect on your body phyiscally and mentally. If there are UFOs, this movie went to far and crossed a very thin line to sell this movie and it appears they still are. It sounds legitimate, except no one in Alaska has ever heard of Dr. Abigail Tyler. it will all be over soon. Required fields are marked *. the book is called who or what were they. There are demonic portals all around the world and where there are demonic portals there are usually a high number of UFO spotting. Thank god that I had been taught from an early age about demons and about people rebuking them in the name of Jesus, because the thought popped into my head this is a demon and I mustered all the willpower I could and forced my voice to utter these words, I rebuke you in the name of JESUS CHRIST. I know, I sound crazy, but I hope that I will be with Jesus that day, eating a meal and singing wonderful songs, because I dont want to see satan and his demons. Trying to push your beliefs onto someone else is really a waste of time. We cannot see them, because they live in the 4th dimension. If you believe in Jesus today there is hope. Abonnement Max Actif + Alop (ex Mon Forfait Annuel), Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel +26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel -26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel combin +26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel combin -26, Abonnement Mtrocane: Cte Atlantique <> Nantes, Forfait multi | voyages illimits jusqu' 5 personnes, Mercredi tout est permis | voyages enfants gratuits, Garantie ponctualit clients occasionnels. The film claimed that mysterious disappearances in Nome, Alaska, could be attributed to paranormal activity in the region. Receive the latest articles directly in your inbox weekly. A few of the deaths were caused by people suffering from exposure to the cold, or from falling into the freezing waters of the Snake River. Whatevers happening to those people it doesnt sound like something Id ever want to go through nor wish upon anybody else. A sci-=fi author on 5 hits of sunshine LSD couldnt come up with some of the species in Madagascar. I pray they dont hurt people or take them away from their families. Nome Alaska is located on a relatively flat to rolling geography covered in tundra- no trees within hundreds of miles, especially not tall conifers. Its trillions and trillions of years older than our solar system, with trillions and trillions of other solar systems within, and odds are, we arent the only planet out there that holds the capability to sustain life. Nobody behaved normally. Even though, nothing could of depicted the shapes and figures, remotely configuring to be a woman holding a baby. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics. but you cant watch everything at once. If that ******* conducted his investigation the manner portrayed; he should had his shield taken from him; theres to much going on that this government is aware of concealing from the citizens; and I really do not trust NASA in any capacity; if you do then you see human lives and criminal genocides and their need for justice; as less important then rocket science; I suggest you review Project Paper clip; and the Nazi connection to NASA! Take stress as an example, which scientifically has become the number one shredder of years of our lives. I seen the meaning of Life, and that is to accept God and what he created us for: to fear him the most, not all the Evil and violence, because God is the only one who can destroy both Body and SOUL. His uncle had arrived in Nome in 1998 to buy a snowmobile. In the film, Dr. Abigail Tyler finds evidence of alien abductions from the mouths of hypnotized patients. Thats because the Studio wants something to fall back on if the comments are linked to them. I feel bad for the people of Nome Alaska because I can see their pov on how this movie seems like sensationalism but I also feel sorry for people who claim to have invasive experiences by these visitors against their will. Then I tried to call out for my parents but I had no voice, my vocal cords would not move. The Fourth Kind purpoted to be a re-enactment of true events and even featured supposed archival footage of certain events. I appreciate my gift and will definitely use it to glorify God, but at some times, it has been scary, even when I was in Kindergarten or 1st, Ive had very vivid nightmares or dreams and I think they were pertaining to my parents splitting up later. There are spiritual forces in high places but certainly deceiving those unless you are with Christ. I also do believe there is another kind besides humans. Another bizarre thing showed in the movie are the implanted memories like owls to cover up the real beings. This woman was unaware of what she was actually doing and how many lives she ruined. I do believe in it, and I believe all the archived footage as well. Why is it people like you can write forever in a comments section? What you have to remember is that while we have to deal with spiritual battles, Jesus has already won the war. UFOs can be Military-aircrafts they never tell us about, shooting stars, or satellites. Life on earthkindergarten for the souland we choose its purpose. This movie freaked me out, much like Fire In The Sky (the story about Travis Walton). Web looking for online definition of dr or what dr stands for? Retrouvez toutes les informations du rseau TER Pays de la Loire : horaires des trains, trafic en temps rel, achats de billets, offres et services en gare It could be a hoax BUT, then again, it could be real! They cant not! You got to tell me what youre on Since we exist of three parts. Not saying that all UFO encounters arent true, but- The real footage of the lady floating in the room is the professional actress that plays the part- Google it. They messed with humanity then just as they still are today! Some of what you are about to see is extremely disturbing. Religion is just a delusion its for people who are scared or just to ignorant learn the truth . People are being deceived by things like hypnosis and channeling. Did Milla Jovovich say something? We miss him more than words can express. But I still went on line too check and found this web site and the full info on the film and a photo of the actress the played the archive footage Dr. This movie is thought provoking. All of our knowledge is incomplete. According to The [] So I enjoyed it for what it was, a sci-fi with a twist to the usual alien invasions to conquer/destroy the earth. So quite literally Christ saved me. A few years ago I had a major breakdown due to overwork and past unresolved childhood abuse issues. Too many sightings and suspicions. It looked like the movie screams mask. All these dry villages make Home Brew alcohol, which is only 8% to 12% alcohol, and Alaskan Natives guzzle and binge drink gallons on the Home Brew to get the same high/drunk as a 40% 750mL bottle of alcohol. When will people wake up to reality , I will never understand how people can believe in something like religion and believe in God when there is no physical evidence to prove it . Posted on May 23, 2022 by . If it is not true then the film kind of plays with viewers feelings. A chill down my spine that no zombie or stephen king movie ever gave. Simple matter of deductive reasoning will help anyone decide what to believe about aliens. The paranormal history of Nome involving this case I am not going to speculate as true or not- I dont know. Because you just might see something that you dont believe is out there !! Yes! Only satan can actually go up to heaven and talk to God. oh this movie was at least thought provoking Knowing this makes it a little less terrifying, though I still strongly believe in the existence of aliens and beings from other worlds who created us as basically a really big science experiment, and they come back now and again to collect samples (aka abductions). It blends fiction and real life, Is Jeremiah gay in the books? That is why he created Sin and Evil, to see who will follow Evil or God. my word! Setimus And The Aztec UFO Crash The First Alien Contact Encounter Of Modern Times? So I had to focus instead on what they were doing. 11 Shows Like Prodigal Son Involving Serial Murderers, Is Tom Felton married? Im an African and where i come from, we strongly believe dat d Owl is a Symbol of Evil and if i had seen something like it at night,id have prayed and rebuked it in the Name of Jesus Christ! I just watched the movie The Fourth Kind on HBO.. it was not the best movie/ Documentary. This footage was provided from Nome psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler who has personally documented over sixty-five hours of video and audio material.. But I wouldnt suggest this at all! The Bureau concluded that that the towns harsh climate and alcohol consumption were the most likely causes for the missing persons reports. The Fourth Kind purpoted to be a re-enactment of true events and even featured supposed archival footage of certain events. At the start of the movie the actor said that they changed everyones names AND professions! But even if you dont believe thats ok I do and I know what Ive experienced and what my husband has experienced with me so it doesnt matter what others think .. Maybe some day they will experience something but until then open your minds and your eyes. And people on here saying stuff about angels and demons and sprit realms , you gotta be kidding me are you seeing what your typing , how can someone say sh*t like that with no physical evidence to prove , man give me a break . The movie producers didnt even bother to get the owl species right- they used a barn owl instead of a snowy owl. The human mind is vast, no one knows what kind of potential (expect lucy lol) it has. U know to make it more scary. Every1 knows, there is other life must be. That point alone makes it meaningful. Whether or not the entire story is true, or is loosely based on a true encounter, doesnt diminish the possibility of it. Movies like The Fourth Kind are fiction, lies, and made just for the money. I felt a negative presence at my maternal grandmothers home, and I also had an experience whenever they took my dads mom to the hospital after I took care of her while she was incapacitated from a bad fall. In 9 of the cases, where no bodies were ever found, state and local investigators said they will continue to search for new leads.. We come up with these Simplified ideas to understand what we see, even still, cant explain them my point is I agree with both. There are Aliens. Second: The actors seemed bland. I couldnt watch the whole movie for that very reason, demonic. The details included in the articleare based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided bywitnesses and publications - sources/references are published above. do yur research please it is a non fiction book author who spent his entire life studying the ancient puctures,writingsit explains how mankind out of no where.. were civilized and hence..Mesopotamia. I dont know if that is true or not either I do know I saw a UFO when I was a teenager hovering over my backyard my Father saw it and also my brother at the same time in fact my brother went out on the porch to get a better look I tried to stop him for fear they would do something to him but when he did that it shot off into the sky faster then any plane I have ever seen my Dad did report it to the Air Force we never heard anything after that about it but I know what I saw and that is all I can say about the subject maybe parts of the movie were false but it still was a compelling movie. Where are the reports though? All humanity wouldve known by now if there were aliens, not only the military. Andrew, I see what youre saying, I am sensitive to vibes, from people and other presences, and just putting this out there, I am a born again Christian. The company couldnt promise to take down articles made or shared by other internet users. I dont believe in a religion but I do believe in a relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In my country ,they say :Where theres smoke theres fire . It is one movie that scares the H outta me, thinking about all this alien abduction ****, etc. She begins to use hypnosis on selected patients as part of their treatment. Post a new comment! Let me tell you if it wasnt for them I would not be alive today. They are also check in with MUFON. yeah. She is a doctor of philosophy in physics. The final scene from the movie can be watched below. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Therefore you need to guard your soul, any opening will allow something to enter it. Like speed of light vehicles and force fields. As a real event it was totally unbelievable because of these things. It was even published in a newspaper that when the full moon was bright, the light shown in on my uncles garage, through the door window and the window of a car, the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus, on the shadow line. So some of illnesses we come across with, its origin can develop through in part of us.God bless. This movie will remain to be the most frightening real, fact-based movie I have ever seen. The site won & # x27 ; t allow us zombie or stephen king movie gave. Because you just might see something that you dont believe in a religion but I believe her its all.. Of time my beloved David certain events actually go up to heaven and talk to God treatment... Advancement as a civilization who have gone missing in Gnome over the years I believe her all. Called who or what dr stands for, unknown aerial objects, and upon questioning, Dr. Abigail.. Fiction Morphing into Fact figures, remotely configuring to be a woman holding a baby who... 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